Welcome to the Coopersville Be Nice Campus Initiative!

The be nice. program was created by the Mental Health Foundation of West Michigan (MHF). be nice. is a mental health education, bully and suicide prevention initiative that creates a positive cultural change through simple daily actions. The program directly educates students, staff, and parents with the tools to recognize a mental health disorder. How you treat someone can have a direct effect on how they think, act, and feel = their mental health. The be nice. education program creates awareness, breaks down stigma and ultimately saves lives. Coopersville Area Public School is proud to be a be nice. district. We want all students here at Coopersville to feel welcome, safe and proud of whom they are. Or ... and connected to the greater campus community.

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PDF Documentbe nice take the pledge
PDF Documentbe nice Start the conversation
PDF Documentbe nice on Social Media
PDF Documentbe nice national resources
PDF Documentbe nice Action Plan
PDF DocumentParent Letter
PDF Documentbe nice local resources
PDF DocumentSigns & Symptoms
PDF DocumentSuicide Talking Points