Fine Arts Education
The Fine Arts program at C.A.P.S. is striving to develop an appreciation of the Arts. Fine arts instruction and active participation is included in every grade, K-12. Each student has the opportunity to participate and grow in the appreciation of art, music and theater. Elementary students participate in music once a week. Fifth grade students may opt to participate in band, and Art is offered once a week to all students in grades K-5.
Middle School
visual and performing arts includes:
- 6th, 7th, and 8th Band
- MS Choir
- Solo and Ensemble groups
- Middle School Musical
- 6th, 7th, and 8th Art
High School
visual and performing arts include:
- Marching Band
- Concert Band
- Jazz Band
- Pep Band
- Women's Choir
- Varsity Voices
- Show Choir
- Piano courses
- High School Musical
- Ceramics
- Basic Art
- Senior Portfolio
- Drawing and Painting
- Sculpture
- Printmaking
- Graphic Design
- KCAD - dual enrollment
- Theatre
- Digital Film