Infinite Campus Parent Portal
The Infinite Campus Parent Portal provides parents with access to information such as attendance, grades, transportation, assignments, testing, etc. The information available varies depending on grade level. See below for instructions on gaining access to the portal. Click here to login: Infinite Campus Parent Portal .
Parent Portal Access
Parents/guardians interested in obtaining login information to the Parent Portal should complete an application form. The form is available in the building offices or by downloading the Parent Portal Application .
Applications for the Parent Portal must be returned to the building offices in person. Please bring along a driver's license or state ID for identification purposes. Login instructions will be provided upon submitting application.
Please note that only one application and one login and password will provide you with information on all of your students.
MS/HS Parents
Secondary student information will be available beginning the second week of school each year. Some sections of the portal may be turned off for brief periods and then turned back on during the course of the school year.
Elementary Parents
Elementary student information will be available beginning at conference time since information for elementary students differs from secondary information.