Breakfast and Lunch Program
Breakfast and hot lunches are available to all students. Based on state income guidelines, breakfast/lunch may be free or may be purchased for a full or reduced price. Students may purchase a daily or five-day meal ticket and money is collected on Mondays for the week. Lunch applications will be sent home the first day of school and are also available in the office or online . Breakfast is served daily before the start of school in the lunchroom. For more detailed information and menus, visit the food service page.
11:40 - 12:20 2nd Grade
12:00 - 12:40 Kindergarten
12:20 - 1:00 1st grade
Breakfast - $1.25 per day Reduced price - .30 per day
Lunch - $2.10 per day Reduced price - .30 per day
Milk - $0 .40 per day