art students at their easels
art students at their easels
HS art show
art instructors

Visual Arts

Coopersville High School offers an extensive and diverse Art program suitable for all skill and ability levels.  The course offerings have expanded to meet the demand and interest of our students.  These include:

  • Basic Art
  • Drawing and Painting
  • Ceramics
  • Graphic Design
  • Sculpture
  • Printmaking
  • Senior Portfolio
  • KCAD -dual enrollment courses

The Art Department also participants in several art events and exhibits during the year including:

  • All Inclusive Art Show
  • Senior Portfolio Show
  • Scholastic Art Competition
  • MAEA Region 9 Show
  • Holland Area Arts Council Debut
  • Michigan Youth Arts Festival
  • K-12 Collaborative projects
  • West Michigan Showcase