Civil Rights Coordinator
The Superintendent shall appoint the Civil Rights Coordinator regarding complaints of disability/handicap discrimination involving educational services, programs and activities. The Superintendent shall appoint the Civil Rights Coordinator regarding discrimination complaints made by students (grades Pre-K through 12) and/or their parent(s)/guardian(s), and involving sex, race, color, national origin, religion, height, weight, age, or marital status. The Superintendent shall appoint the Civil Rights Coordinator regarding all other complaints of discrimination. In the event the complaint is against the Superintendent of Schools, the Vice-President of the Board of Education is appointed the Civil Rights Coordinator.
El Superintendente Escolar nombrará El Coordinador de Derechos Civiles respeto a reclamos de discriminación de discapacidad/invalidez implicando servicios, programas y actividades educacionales. El Superintendente Escolar nombrará El Coordinador de Derechos Civiles respeto a reclamos de discriminación hecho por estudiantes (de preescolar a grado 12) y/o sus padres/tutor(es) legal(es), e implicando sexo, raza, color, origen nacional, religión, estatura, peso, edad o estado civil. El Superintendente Escolar nombrará El Coordinador de Derechos Civiles respeto a todos los demás reclamos. En el caso de que haya reclamos en contra del Superintendente Escolar, el Vicepresidente de la Junta Directiva será nombrado el Coordinador de Derechos Civiles.
Section 504
Section 504 is a federal law which prohibits discrimination against persons with disabilities. One of the principal purposes of Section 504 is to ensure that students with disabilities are not denied access to educational facilities, programs, and opportunities on the basis of their disability.
For a student to have a disability which may be protected under this law, he or she must (1) have a mental or physical impairment, (2) which substantially limits, (3) one or more major life activities. For a student to be considered an “eligible student” under Section 504, all three criteria must be fulfilled.
Under Section 504, schools that receive federal funds may not discriminate against eligible students with disabilities. Section 504 also protects students who have a record of a disability, and students who are regarded as having a disability. Section 504 prohibits discrimination against students in either category and against “eligible students” as described above.
Section 504 requires the District to provide a free appropriate public education (“FAPE”) to each “eligible student” (a student who has a physical or mental impairment which substantially limits a major life activity). Under Section 504, FAPE consists of the provision of regular or special education and related aids and services designed to meet the student’s individual educational needs as adequately as the needs of non-disabled students and in accordance with Section 504 requirements pertaining to educational setting, evaluation, placement, and procedural safeguards. The FAPE obligation extends to all students described in this paragraph, regardless of the nature or severity of their disability. If FAPE aids/services are needed to meet individual needs as adequately as the needs of nondisabled, these aids/services will be documented in a 504 Plan developed for the eligible student.
For more information, please contact:
Autumn Dawdy
District Section 504 Coordinator