Online Learning
Coopersville Area Public Schools offers a variety of online learning options for students. Below you will find resources to help you and your student decide if online learning suits your students' goals. For more information about online learning, please use the course catalog through Michigan Virtual University (MVU). Coopersville has enrolled students in MVU courses for several years and they are aligned to the Michigan Merit Curriculum. Please review the implementation details of 21f before deciding to enroll in an online course. The full course catalog at MVU will provide a listing of courses offered to students.
Before making a decision to enroll your student in an online course, follow the steps below:
1. Review the Parent Guide to Online Learning.
2. Review the MVU course catalog.
3. Schedule a meeting with your student's counselor or principal during the registration window.
4. Complete the required request form, also available from your counselor or principal.
5. Complete enrollment.
For information about 21f or online learning contact your student's counselor/building principal.
For more information about online learning at Coopersville visit the online learning website.