English Language Learners and English as a Second Language Learners

We are seeking to identify students whose home language is something other than English. If you are the parent/guardian of such a child - who is not in our present ELL/ESL Program and lives in the Coopersville Area Public School District, please send your child's name to: Coopersville Area Public Schools, ELL/ESL Department, 198 East Street, Coopersville, MI 49404.  Or, you may contact Mary Haskin at mhaskin@capsk12.org, 616-997-3535.

Ayude A Eliminar Las Barreras Del Idioma

Estamos tratando de identificar estudiantes que hablan otro idioma en sus hogares ademas del ingles. Si Ud. es el padre o guardian del nino(a)-si el nino(a) no estan inscritos en el programa ELL-favor de enviar el nombre de su nino(a) y el nombre de su escuela, a Coopersville Area Public Schools ELL Department, 198 East Street, Coopersville, MI 49404