MME - This is a two-day test paid for by the State of Michigan and given to all juniors in the State. It consists of the following:
- Day One is the SAT (college entrance exam)
- Day Two is three WorkKeys exams and M-STEP Science & Social Studies
PSAT - This test is taken in the fall of the 11th grade. It is a pre-SAT test and also determines eligibility for a National Merit Scholarship.
SAT - This is a college entrance exam. It is given on Day One of the MME but may be taken again to increase score at a national test center (GVSU, GRCC, etc.). There is a fee to retake this test, but the student may retake as many times as they wish. Colleges and universities will accept the student's highest score. Check the website for dates, times, prices, and to register.
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